How to Take Good Care Of Tiny Baby Teeth

How to Take Good Care Of Tiny Baby Teeth

There is nothing more exciting than seeing the first tooth of your little baby. Most babies usually start teething at the age of six months or more and each has their own pace of developing it. During this stage when the first tiny tooth peeks through, parents usually like to see their baby smile and they take plenty of pictures to cherish these memories. Slowly your little baby will sprout a full set of milk teeth and it is important for parents to establish good oral hygiene habits early.

child teeth

Clean your child’s teeth everyday: It’s always a good idea to carefully clean your baby’s gums and teeth. For this you can wet washcloth after each meal. Once they have an entire set of teeth, brush them with a soft bristled tooth brush twice a day and after each meal.

Use fluoride toothpaste: For young children, use small amount of fluoride toothpaste about a size of a pea for children aged 2 to 6. Make sure that they don’t swallow the paste as it can be harmful for health. Teach your child to spit the toothpaste into the sink and then clean their teeth with the water. With a little practice they will be able to spit effectively.

Practice good feeding habits: Make sure to check what your baby puts into his mouth. Avoid or minimize sugar or any sweetened drinks and foods as he gets older. Do not allow your baby to fall asleep with a bottle of milk as this increase the risk of tooth decay.

Take care of your oral health: This is something that parents should consider even during pregnancy. Cavities are caused by acid formation that is created by bacteria inside the mouth. These bacteria can often transmit from the parent’s mouth to the baby. So it is very important for parents to take care of their own oral hygiene. Avoid using your teeth to bite pieces of food for your child.

Use of pacifiers: If your child uses a pacifier, then always give him a clean one and do not dip it in honey or sugar. Don’t put it in your mouth before giving it as this can risk the passing of bacteria from your mouth. Also encourage your child to drink water or milk from a glass or cup from their first birthday and avoid lengthy sips from them.

Visit the dentist every year: All children of 1 year of age should visit the dentist at least once a year. This will help your dentist to detect any oral health problems with your baby. They can suggest early remedies and clean the teeth properly and even stop small problems from turning into bigger ones.

Thus in a nutshell, it can be said that parents should learn to care for those tiny teeth as early as possible to enjoy good oral health.



