Activities and Brain Exercises that will Increase your Child’s IQ

The stress on having a strong academic background prompts parents to think about their children’s IQ from an early age. People who are looking for ways to help their child build up a strong mind and good logical skills can undertake certain activities that help them to do so. Use these top brain exercises to boost your child’s IQ and help your ward have increased mental activity.

Child IQ

1. Introducing your Child to Literature Early On:

Inculcate a love for books by encouraging your children to read frequently. You can start off by reading fairy tales and introducing your toddlers to picture books. This will have them interested in reading as well when they are quite young, leading to an increased ability to elucidate and articulate themselves. A vivid imagination will be a happy by product of this process and your kids will be quite interested in lessons at school as well.

2. Using Building Blocks and Artwork:

Using lego blocks to create simple structures or even more complicated ones leads to brain development. Giving your child a set of coloring pens or a paint box with a few sheets of paper can lead to surprising results. Both activities boost their imagination, giving them the ability to not only fantasize but also bring their thoughts into existence through pictorial representation. You will soon be able to see the wheels turning in your children’s brains as they work out new structures with the blocks or paint a beautiful rainbow.

Child Gardening


3. Gardening and Cooking:

Children who are a little older can assist you with the vegetable patch or even lend you a hand in the kitchen. Gardening and cooking in a supervised environment can be excellent for children aged four years of age and above. Watering the flower bed or measuring out the flour for cookies helps you children with mental development. They will also be busy calculating the amount of water each plant needs and filling the watering can accordingly. This helps mental arithmetic skills teaching your child to mentally add up long before math at school level.

4. Games :

Open-air activities such as badminton and cricket let your child gain the benefit of exceptional eye-hand co-ordination and physical health. Oxygenated air does wonders to increase mental activity and basket ball propagates team spirit while chess inculcates scoring strategies. Each of these activities will have your ward ready to excel at every aspect of schooling along with developing a strong IQ.
