Setting limits for your child which is something he/she will never thank you for. This is because they are too small to realize its importance. However, you being the guardian must set the boundaries that would contain and guide your kids. Now, only setting limits will not help as it will make them feel that they are confined. So, effective communication is equally important to help you child into socially and emotionally intelligent adults.

It is essential for you as parents to be friendly with your children in order to get on with them and understand them better to negotiate boundaries.
For any women in the world, the post delivery 2 years are the busiest years of her life. This is the period when they have to take full care of the newborn because the development is really rapid. In these two years, the baby learns roughly everything from eating to walking, speaking and even studying.
All new parents need to be aware of small but very important parenting tips that include health tips for the infant as well as straightforward yet very useful baby care tips. In this perspective, parents should be very vigilant as the child learns from their actions and conduct. Be very alert in whatever you say or do in front of your kid.
They say that kids’ mind is like soft clay and it is up to the parents how they shape it. Children of this age are very inquisitive about everything coming their way. Since their brain is innocent or happy-go-lucky, they quickly sop up everything they see, feel, hear, taste, and touch without knowing about good or bad. Thus, one of the most important parenting tips is that parents and family members need to be very careful in their actions.
The role of communication is very major in this context. Another very important baby care tips is that you cannot allow your kids to be on the freeway in their lives. As guardians, you are responsible for their good or bad and thus, you have to set their limits.
According to Hindu mythology, this is Kaliyuga or the age of darkness where everyone wants to be free, it is quite obvious that your kids would also demand it. You should give them space and air, but in limits. Don’t try to keep them in the locked environment. As mentioned above, it is important to give them the air they need; similarly, we can provide every other facility, but in limits so that they don’t get habitual. Television, Internet video games and junk food are the best examples. Let your kids experience everything, but under your guidance and in the limits set by you.
Good parenting means keeping your kids happy by giving them everything in limits, but in such a way that they don’t feel chained or imprisoned.