Numerous data and research reveal that smoking is harmful for both the smoker as well as the people around them. Second hand smoking can be very harmful to young children as their lungs are still developing. A study in Hong Kong regarding this has found that children whose fathers smoke were overweight at seven years compared to their counterparts who had non-smoking fathers.

Similarly, another investigation in Britain and Brazil found that moms who used tobacco often triggered behavioral problems in their children.
What is passive smoking?
When someone around you smokes, tiny particles mix with the surrounding air. When you breathe, these invisible particles from the person get right into your lungs which can be very harmful. When it comes to children, the impact is even more as they are still growing. Harmful substances released from the tobacco are tar, carbon monoxide and poison that includes ammonia and hydrogen cyanide. These substances when inhaled increase the risk of illness in children.
Health effects on children and infants
Bronchitis: Children are more vulnerable to secondhand tobacco fumes and many children under the age of fifteen die from illness related to this. Kids whose parents smoke have a higher rate of lungs or airway infections, which can easily lead to bronchitis and pneumonia. They are also more likely to develop wheezing illness and often have to be admitted to hospitals.
Asthma: Asthma is another more common disease that affects young children. They can have symptoms like cough, breathlessness, phlegm and often suffer from risks of asthma attacks. They have to use medications more often and that too for a longer period of time.
Lung disease: Kids of smokers often have a reduced lung function as they cannot breathe in deeply or breathe out as hard as kids whose parent don’t. Such kids are affected at all ages, including adolescents and this reduced lung function tends to persist even in adulthood.
Meningococcal disease: Secondhand smoke always tends to cause great harm to the immune system in both children and adults. This increases the risk of infection. They are also more prone to meningococcal disease that can at times cause death, hearing loss, mental disability or even a loss of a limb. Smokers have the tendency to be carriers of the bacteria that causes such diseases.
Allergies: Since the fume released from tobacco contains harmful substances, children can also suffer from different allergies like skin rashes, eye irritations or inflammatory process.
Thus, to keep your children safe and healthy from passive smolder, the best option is to quit tobacco and make your home and car smoke free.
Passive smoking has great effects on the health of young children. If you smoke, they do it too, and become exposed to various health risks at an early stage of life.