Baby Teething

A useful mother’s guide to understand all about baby teething


All moms are quite worried about baby teething since it is known to cause certain problems during the process. Your baby is teething when the first set of teeth (known as primary teeth) break through the gums.

When do babies start teething?

Baby teething usually begins at about 6 months of age but it can differ from child to child. On an average, it can occur any time between 3 months to 12 months of age. At the age of 3, your child will have about 20 primary teeth. The front teeth of the lower part usually come first, followed by the upper front teeth, about 1 or 2 months later.

Symptoms of teething

If you are noticing a fussier baby, you might consider that the teething process has begun. When babies are teething, they can get cranky and create a fuss since gums begin to swell and get sore during this time. The teething symptoms in baby begin 3 to 5 days before the tooth comes out, and stop immediately after the tooth breaks the skin. Some babies are not affected by teething and therefore, they might not show any symptoms.

Baby Teething Fever(1)Babies can also bite on their fingers or toys in order to relieve the immense pressure on their gums. Their mouth can also be hurting and therefore, they might even refuse to eat or drink. Some babies also drool during the process, which can cause a rash on the skin, face or even the chest. However, there is nothing to worry about since teething in babies is a natural process. If the symptoms get severe and continue for a long period of time, you must consult a doctor.

How can you help your baby be more comfortable while teething?

Follow these baby teething tips to make your baby comfortable during this time:

  • Using a clean finger or a teething ring, gently rub your baby’s gum for 2 minutes at a time. Many babies might protest about this at first but eventually they will find it comforting
  • Provide safe objects for your baby to chew on such as teething rings
  • You can also opt for over the counter medicines to relieve the pain but ensure that it is appropriate for the age of your child. Read and follow all the instructions before you give such medicines to your baby.

How to soothe teething baby

It is important for moms to recognise the time when their babies are teething so that they can help provide some comfort and soothe the baby. If your baby is chewing on toys, you must ensure to keep all sharp objects away and give him a teething ring for safety. You can also try giving your baby solid and hard foods like a carrot or cucumber to help him chew. Always keep the drool dry with a clean cloth to avoid any kind of skin rashes.

Teething in babies is a process that every mom has to deal with. However, with proper care and precautions, this can be a smooth and easy process without much troubles to the baby.

