Best ways to Protect Your Children from Strangers

Children see strangers everywhere – parks, markets, malls, movies, and in the neighbourhood. Most of these will be nice and decent people who will cause no harm to your children. However, there might be some dangerous strangers around that can cause trouble to your children. As parents, it is important to teach your children about strangers and suspicious behaviour.

Protect your Children from Strangers

Keeping your children safe from strangers

You have to talk to your children about strangers in a subtle yet strong manner and prepare your child for safety without fear. Talk your children through the following dos and don’ts at an early age so that they can remember it all through their childhood:

The Easy Way to Discuss Stranger Safety


  • Never get in a car with a stranger and go anywhere
  • Never go to a new place with someone you don’t know
  • Never let someone talk to you about some secret
  • Never let someone cause harm to your child


  • If in doubt, always stay with a friend in a new place
  • Always inform your parents where you are going
  • Trust your instincts

Teaching children how to handle dangerous situations

You must start with explaining the concept of strangers and how they can cause danger to your child. Let them know that a stranger is someone your family does not know and they should be careful around strangers. You should also tell them that strangers like policeman or firefighters can be safe strangers and if they are stuck in a difficult situation, they must connect with these people. Children can recognise danger with unusual behaviour or when someone makes them feel uncomfortable. Tell your children that an adult should never ask a child for help or to take him somewhere. If something like this happens, they must immediately shout for help. Teach your child words like ‘no, go, yell, tell, etc.’ so that they can use them in case of a dangerous situation.

Your child must know that it is okay to say no to an adult if he is offering something to eat, or wants to drop the kid home from school, or offers to take the child out for some fun. They must know how to yell in dangerous situations, whether indoors or outdoors, to keep themselves safe.

How to ensure your child’s safety


  • Always give your child your mobile, home and office numbers so that he can call in case of an emergency.
  • Point out the safe places in the neighbourhood so that he knows where he can go in case of trouble
  • Teach children to trust their instincts and if they feel scared or uncomfortable around someone, they must immediately leave
  • Encourage children to play with others as it is always safer in groups than being alone

With the right guidance, you can teach your child to be safe and sound in all kinds of situations. Once they know the possible danger, they will understand when to say no and stay away from strangers.
