Tips To Teach Your Child to Respect Women for a Healthy Relationship

respect womenYour son enters the house with his friends and while passing through the drawing room, one of them stops to see a beautiful woman in an advertisement. He comments, “Oh, she is so hot!” and all the others stop to watch the commercial, as they seem to be moved by her beauty. Such scenes may be common at home, office break rooms or even when on the streets. Have you ever thought why such things have gained frequency and who is responsible for such unfavorable acts? How do we teach our children to treasure women and respect them when the world makes them a sexual and sensual object?

Today’s children are tomorrow’s adults and teaching them to respect women when they are kids can bring them up in a gender neutral surrounding. So as a parent, it is important to start early and offer them tools that they need to become more respectful towards women.

Some effective tips:

Be a role model: Practicing mutual respect can help a lot to develop a child’s personality. Allow your kids to unfold their emotions and develop their natural talents within healthy boundaries. Value their opinions and admire them to demonstrate how to respect others. This personal training of treating others well will have a great impact in the long run.

Correct behavior that disrespects women: If you find your child playing video games or listening to music that treats women as an object, then correct the impression and explain your child that entertainers and game designers do things to attract audience and that they don’t reflect the way people act or feel.

Communicate feelings without violence: Teach your child that reacting to things that are wrong among friends or on a sport field is not same when it comes to women. They should learn to express opinions and feelings respectfully and verbally. Make them understand that violence in a family situation is not acceptable.

Using respectful terms: Using derogatory terms while talking about women during casual conversation with friends is inappropriate. Talk to your child clearly about the behavior and the wrong terms used and teach them to use respectful terms for women always.

Practice male role models: Offer your son an opportunity to have male role models that value women. Explain them that strong men are those who do not show violence, even when angry or frustrated. Appreciate their skills and listen to their opinions and teach them ways that shows respect for girls.

The true purpose of women: Discuss with your child the ideal qualities of women and the godly roles that they play in raising a family. Female beauty can catch their attention, but children should also understand that they should always maintain the right attitude when it comes to respecting women.

While concluding, we can only say that a child who learns to respect women in his early life has more chance of maintaining a healthy relationship in the future.
