Jataka Stories

Mother’s Zone brings to you Jataka stories for kids – the much revered treasury of tales of Buddha’s previous animal reincarnations. With simple language and great morals to learn, these stories are sure to inspire your child to become a learned individual who has a high moral ground – something that you want without any doubt!

So, browse these short and educational Jataka tales and click on the ones your child likes!

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Then, why not share them with others?

Go ahead and share them with your friends and relatives to make a better world with children who are righteous and principled to the core.


The Monkey and the CrocodileThe Monkey and the Crocodile

Mastering difficult situations does not require a special ability. All it requires is the use of brain and intelligence at the right time. Read the story about the friendship of a monkey and a crocodile and learn how the monkey survived by using his brainpower when it was needed the most.

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The Golden PlateThe Golden Plate

Time and again it has been proven that those who are honest have nothing to lose, and those who are deceitful and cunning can not taste victory. Read this tale of two salesmen and their approach towards a poor family. Find out how honesty can lead to a fortune and dishonesty to rags.

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Demons in the DesertDemons in the Desert

History has it, one can find many people during one’s life who will be fake and try to fool them. But, with wisdom and intellect by your side, getting tricked by such creatures is not possible. Read this story about two friends and find out what happens to them when they meet demons in the middle of a desert.

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The Mouse MerchantThe Mouse Merchant

If you were to learn about diligence and gratitude, then nothing can teach you more about these two traits then this interesting tale from the Jataka treasury. Read the story to find out how a simple man goes from rags to riches with his sheer hard work and never-say-die attitude.

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The Elephant & The ForesterThe Elephant & The Forester

Living your life for the good of others gives you utmost peace and comfort. Whereas, those who seek bad of others so that they can satisfy their greed, face the consequences of their evil deeds, sooner or later. Read this story about a kind white elephant and a forester who led their lives, as per their actions.

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The Brave QuailThe Brave Quail

Not all of us have the strength and power to conquer the powerful and evil. But, where there is a will, there is a way. A disheartened mother quail lost her family and decided to teach a lesson to the elephant who destroyed her happiness. Read the story and understand how even weak and small can come together to seek justice.

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The Golden SwanThe Golden Swan

Often, it has been observed that greed leads to the destruction of families, relationships and lives. The more we want from life, the more far we go away from peace, and when excess greed conquers minds, living life becomes extremely difficult. This story about a golden swan teaches how too much of greed can snatch everything.

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The Power of a RumourThe Power of a Rumour

While it is good to believe others, blind trust is not something that yields the right results always. This stands true more in the case of rumours. Read the story about how a rumour lead to a chaos in a forest, and understand the importance of checking a rumour before following it thoughtlessly.

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